*NEW* Harbor 35-50 years old: Joe Reid & Emi Christati (Temecula)

Station in Life: Singles (35+) Study Focus: Sermon Based Meeting Type: In person Marital Status Preference: Singles


Thursday at 6:30 PM




Cross Streets: Menifee: 215 Hwy & Newport Rd

Menifee, CA 92584

About *NEW* Harbor 35-50 years old: Joe Reid & Emi Christati (Temecula)

This sermon based group will encourage discussion of the concepts we study and promote honest conversations about how we walk out life and scripture. We will support each other, share great experiences, and learn to appreciate one another for who we are and where we are. Respect and honesty are key, and laughter is a must. Joe began attending North Coast Church in 2000 and has been involved in Life Groups since then. He works as a QA Manager and enjoys comics, movies, writing, tech, and listening to audiobooks. Emi has been attending North Coast Church and Life Groups since 2017. She works in healthcare and enjoys worship, hiking, traveling, sunset beach walks, and deep, authentic conversations.

Work Entry

Group Registration

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