BLOOM: Megan Lian and Alison MacMillan

Station in Life: Women's Ministry Study Focus: Book/DVD Study Meeting Type: In person


Thursday at 9:15 AM




Cross Streets: North Coast Church, Fallbrook Campus

Fallbrook, CA 92028

About BLOOM: Megan Lian and Alison MacMillan

The book that we'll be studying is "Discerning The Voice Of God" by Priscilla Shirer. The purpose of Bloom is to point women to Jesus as we walk through the different seasons and challenges of life together. Our focus is on the joy found in studying God's word while at the same time building authentic and encouraging relationships. Groups meet weekly and we would love for you to join us as we Bloom in our faith together! Megan and Alison's goal for group is to create an environment at their table where any woman is comfortable coming and being herself while they get to know one another and grow closer in friendship and in the Lord as they study His word together.

Work Entry

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