Jon Eastwood

Station in Life: Men's Ministry Study Focus: Book/DVD Study Meeting Type: In person


Saturday at 7:00 AM




Cross Streets: Oceanside: 76 Highway & Benet Road

Oceanside, CA 92057

About Jon Eastwood

Jon has attended North Coast Church since 2012. He has been on staff with Campus Crusade for Christ for 22 years. Jon enjoys travel (especially to Ireland), road trips to Mammoth/Yosemite, reading, spiritual formation, hiking, and fixing his house. We will be reading through John Mark Comers' new book, Practicing the Way. This is a small men's group for those navigating the 2nd half of life (45-55) who desire a deeper connection with other men. We are constantly being formed by the world around us. To be formed by Jesus requires each of us to become his apprentice. Through the book and each other, we will be learning how to implement contemplative spiritual practices into our day to day so that we can be more transformed into who Jesus has called us to be.