Ken Davis

Station in Life: Men's Ministry Study Focus: Sermon Based Meeting Type: In person


Thursday at 7:00 PM




Cross Streets: North Coast Church: Vista Campus

Vista, CA 92084

About Ken Davis

Ken has attended North Coast since 2013. He is a Project Manager for a cabinetry manufacturing company in San Marcos. In his free time, he enjoys daily Bible study and prayer, Biblical principle-related book studies, growing in knowledge and understanding of God and theology, and enjoying quality "down-time" with his Wife Marjie. Ken's hobbies include woodworking and repairing and re-purposing broken stuff and fellowship with like-minded believers. Ken loves to laugh, especially at himself. Ken's hope for this group is that it would be a small group of Bible-Centered men who, like him, have difficulty living, and applying the commands of Scripture that are directed to men. His hope is that together, with the help of the Holy Spirit, they can learn the necessity of being humble, obedient, servant-leaders, and mature as faithful followers of Christ. Ken also hopes they will develop the sincere desire to "walk worthy" of Him in every environment and circumstance.

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