Blair & Maysoon Chantrill

Station in Life: Young Families Study Focus: Sermon Based Meeting Type: In person


Tuesday at 7:30 PM




Cross Streets: Vista: Mission Rd & E Vista Way

Vista, CA 92084

About Blair & Maysoon Chantrill

Blair and Maysoon were married in 2011. They joined their first Life Groups in 2012 and have been involved with the Community Service ministry for many years. Blair works as a software engineer and enjoys playing video games and doing projects around the house. Maysoon stays home with their young daughter and loves reading and walking at the beach. Christopher and Jennifer married in 2015 and started attending North Coast in 2023. Christopher is a researcher and Jennifer is an energy engineer. Chris enjoys DIY, building and sports, while Jenn enjoys gardening, hobby farming, and homesteading. This is a group of couples willing to be vulnerable and go deeper. A safe space for sharing the highs and lows in life and for providing support when people are really struggling. This group will focus on maintaining healthy marriages.

Work Entry

Group Registration