David Sparkman
Station in Life: General
Study Focus: Prayer & Support
Meeting Type: Online Only
Wednesday at 6:00 PM
About David Sparkman
Work Calling – A Biblical and practical approach to discerning your calling and finding career fulfillment. Do you ever wonder what you want to be when you grow up? Do you ever find yourself wondering what God wants you to do? Who He wants you to be? How you can discover your purpose and calling in life? If so, please sign up to join us for an 8-week online group starting Tuesday evening, 9/12, at 5:00 PT. Each session lasts 90 minutes as we facilitate you through the Hear God Calling You workbook from Crossroads Career.
Dave Sparkman currently serves as the volunteer Crossroads Career board chair, Executive Director, and local ministry leader. He is also the founder and managing director of SPARK Your Culture, a corporate culture consulting firm. Prior to that he worked at UnitedHealth Group, a Fortune #5 public company, serving in the role of Chief Culture Officer, and Arthur Andersen, where he served as the West Region Managing Partner, People.